The First Lady of Ukraine Maryna Poroshenko expressed gratitude to the organizers of the “Skin Bank” project for their contribution to the charity and volunteers’ movement in Ukraine.
Among the most complex injuries sustained in war are burns – a Ukrainian project is aiming to change that with radical stem cell-based treatment. As part of the “Skin bank” project, wounded soldiers from the ATO will be treated using the technology. The Kyiv Burn Center in conjunction with the Ukrainian volunteers’ center, People’s Project, and the Ilaya medical clinic, launched the project with the support and patronage of the First Lady on January 23.
Letter endorsing the project from Ukraine’s First Lady Marina Poroshenko
Created at the end of last year the Skin bank project aims to not only treat wounded soldiers but also civilians caught in the cross fire. The project uses donor cell material for rapid and quality skin regeneration after burns.
The initial reserve of the skin bank will be 2.4 billion cells which can be used to restore 24 m² of skin in a short period – that amounts to about 25 people with burns to 40% of their body. The treatment of patients takes place in the Kyiv Burn Center under the supervision of the head doctor and experienced combustiologist Anatolyi Voronin. Preparation and storage of the cellular material is conducted and provided by the innovative Ilaya medical clinic.