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Допоможи нам швидше закрити збір, розкажи друзям та долучай їх
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Відповіді на запитання

Відповіді на запитання по способам оплати та звітності

Зібрано 1 408 292 грн
Залишилось зібрати 0 грн
Витрачено 1 408 292 грн
Залишок коштів 0 грн
1 408 292 грн
Спонсорська допомога (оплата постачальникам напряму)
11/08/1478435 UAHSponsor
Разом: 78 435 грн
Негрошові надходження
ДатаНайменуванняК-тьГривневий еквівалентКоментар
29/12/14Digital radio CSI CS 701200649200 UAHSponsorship
29/12/14USB programing cable for CSI CS 701182.5 UAHSponsorship
07/10/14Digital radio sets CSI CS 700150508950 UAHSponsorship
26/08/14Radio transmitters Motorola DP-480110--Transferred from the First people's tourist project
26/08/14Portable repeater Motorola DR3000, accumulator, suitcase, antenna with cable and aerial mast, connector1--Transferred from the First people's tourist project
26/08/14Programming cable PMKN4012B1--Transferred from the First people's tourist project
26/08/14Programming cable PMKN4016B1--Transferred from the First people's tourist project
15/08/14Radio sets Motorola DP2400 (403-527 Mhz20--Transferred from the People's artillery division
Разом: 1 158 233 грн
Розрахунковий рахунок
Разом (з урахуванням сплати комісії*): 171 624.00 грн
Комісія за платежі через LiqPay для власників карт Visa та MasterCard усіх українських банків становить 0%.
* Конвертація валюти відбувається автоматично на момент проведення операції.

Завантажуємо нові данні. Будь-ласка, зачекайте...

Не вдалося завантажити нові дані. Спробуйте ще раз пізніше.

Сервер повернув пусту відповідь.

1 408 292 грн
Поточні витрати по проекту
15/06/2015Programming cable PMKN4012B1 2 250.00delivered to Alpha squad
15/06/2015Programming keys1 1 928.40delivered to Alpha squad
18/05/2015Encryption codes1 6 900.00delivered to Alpha squad
18/05/2015Digital radio Motorola DP48011 20 562.00delivered to Alpha squad
17/03/2015Internal transfer1 12.50transferred to Back to Fight!
27/02/2015Digital radio CSI CS 70116 51 936.00delivered to military unit A 0224
27/02/2015Digital radio CSI CS 7018 25 968.00transferred to First people’s scout
29/01/2015USB programing cable for CSI CS 7011 82.50delivered to military unit А 2062
29/01/2015Digital radio CSI CS 70110 32 460.00delivered to military unit А 2062
20/01/2015Throat microphone ТМ-16253 1 980.00delivered to military unit B 2317, 28th Brigade, 18th Battalion, without documents
20/01/2015Throat microphone ТМ-16252 1 320.00delivered to military unit B 0624, Aidar Battalion, without documents
20/01/2015 PPT microphone with headset6 2 376.00delivered to military unit 2336, without documents
20/01/2015Throat microphone ТМ-16255 3 300.00delivered to CI platoon of Security Service, without documents
20/01/2015 PPT microphone with headset3 1 188.00delivered to CI platoon of Security Service, without documents
20/01/2015Throat microphone ТМ-16254 2 640.00delivered to military unit 3066, Kulchitskiy Battalion, without documents
20/01/20152-wire earphone PPT6 2 512.80delivered to military unit A 0501, 92nd Brigade, without documents
20/01/20152-wire earphone PPT6 2 512.80delivered to military unit A 1302, 93rd Brigade, without documents
20/01/2015Throat microphone ТМ-16254 2 640.00delivered to military unit A 0680, 3-rd special purpose Regiment, without documents
20/01/20152-wire earphone PPT6 2 512.80delivered to military unit A 0680, 3-rd special purpose Regiment, without documents
20/01/20152-wire earphone PPT5 2 094.00delivered to Dnipro-1 Battalion, without documents
20/01/20152-wire earphone PPT5 2 094.00delivered to military unit B 4680, 24th Brigade, without documents
20/01/2015Throat microphone ТМ-16254 2 640.00delivered to military unit A 1556, 128 Brigade, without documents
20/01/2015 PPT microphone with headset3 1 188.00delivered to military unit A 1556, 128 Brigade, without documents
20/01/20152-wire earphone PPT12 5 025.60delivered to military unit A 1556, 128 Brigade, without documents
20/01/20152-wire earphone PPT5 2 094.00delivered to military unit A 0224, 79th Brigade, without documents
20/01/2015Digital radio CSI CS 7015 16 230.00delivered to military unit D 3675, 17th Brigade
20/01/2015Digital radio CSI CS 7014 12 984.00delivered to military unit B 4680, 24th Brigade, without documents
20/01/2015Digital radio CSI CS 7016 19 476.00delivered to military unit B 4680, 24th Brigade
20/01/2015Digital radio CSI CS 7012 6 492.00delivered to military unit B 0624, Aidar Battalion, without documents
20/01/2015Digital radio CSI CS 70110 32 460.00delivered to CI platoon of Security Service, without documents
20/01/2015Digital radio CSI CS 7018 25 968.00delivered to military unit A 0409, 30th Brigade, reconnaissance platoon, without documents
20/01/2015Digital radio CSI CS 7016 19 476.00delivered to Kharkiv Border Guard unit, without documents
20/01/2015Digital radio CSI CS 70110 32 460.00delivered to military unit B 4750, 57th Brigade, 42nd Battalion, without documents
20/01/2015Digital radio CSI CS 7014 12 984.00delivered to military unit 3066, Kulchitskiy Battalion, without documents
20/01/2015Digital radio CSI CS 7015 16 230.00delivered to Lviv special forces unit, without documents
20/01/2015Digital radio CSI CS 70112 38 952.00delivered to military unit A 0501, 92nd Brigade, without documents
20/01/2015Digital radio CSI CS 70111 35 706.00delivered to military unit A 1302, 93rd Brigade, without documents
20/01/2015Digital radio CSI CS 70114 45 444.00delivered to military unit B 2317, 28th Brigade, 18th Battalion, without documents
20/01/2015Digital radio CSI CS 7015 16 230.00delivered to military unit B 3675, 17th Guards Tank Brigade
20/01/2015Digital radio CSI CS 7015 16 230.00delivered to military unit A 0224, 79th Brigade, without documents
20/01/2015Digital radio CSI CS 70110 32 460.00delivered to military unit B2336, 3-rd special purpose Regiment
20/01/2015Digital radio CSI CS 70139 126 594.00delivered to military unit A 1556, 128 Brigade, without documents
20/01/2015Digital radio CSI CS 70110 32 460.00delivered to Dnipro-1 Battalion, without documents
19/12/2014Digital radios CSI CS 7008 27 144.00delivered to Mykolaiv Battalion
19/12/2014Digital radios CSI CS 70040 135 720.00delivered to First people’s special trooper
14/11/2014Digital radios CSI CS 70015 50 895.00delivered to Artillery division, military unit A 0224
14/11/2014Digital radios CSI CS 7008 27 144.00transferred to First people’s scout
04/11/2014Digital radios CSI CS 70010 33 930.00Delivered to the "Right sector"
22/10/2014Inter-project funds transfer1 65 893.50Transferred to the Bioengineering rehabilitation of the wounded/a> project
22/10/2014Digital radios CSI CS 7004 13 572.00Delivered to the Airport project
22/10/2014Digital radios CSI CS 7007 23 751.00delivered to military unit ММ 2830, 93rd Brigade
20/10/2014Digital radios CSI CS 70030 101 790.00transferred to the People's pilot project
17/10/2014Boots 5.11 recon collection4 9 600.00delivered to military unit A 0224
17/10/2014Digital radios CSI CS 7006 20 358.00Delivered to the 8-th Special forces platoon
08/10/2014Digital radios CSI CS 70022 74 646.00transferred to Second people’s sniper
26/08/2014Programing cable PMKN4016B1 --delivered to 79th Airmobile Brigade
26/08/2014Programing cable PMKN4012B1 --delivered to 79th Airmobile Brigade
26/08/2014Repeater Motorola DR3000 with antenna, garment bag and rechargeable battery1 --delivered to 79th Airmobile Brigade
26/08/2014Speaker microphone2 1 950.00delivered to 79th Airmobile Brigade
26/08/2014Duplex filter DSPR1501-C62 4 400.00delivered to 79th Airmobile Brigade
26/08/2014Antenna RA-1505/C2 5 200.00delivered to 79th Airmobile Brigade
26/08/2014Battery PMNN4409AR Lilon3 6 210.00delivered to 79th Airmobile Brigade
26/08/2014Lightning protection2 900.00delivered to 79th Airmobile Brigade
26/08/2014Kable RJ-8120 м 6 600.00delivered to 79th Airmobile Brigade
26/08/2014Antenna DLM136.ЗМО 2 640.00delivered to 79th Airmobile Brigade
26/08/2014Cable HKN 41372 460.00delivered to 79th Airmobile Brigade
26/08/2014Battery for Motorola DP-240010 7 155.00delivered to 79th Airmobile Brigade
26/08/2014Radios Motorola DP-480110 --delivered to 79th Airmobile Brigade
26/08/2014Radios MotorolaDP-240010 71 280.00delivered to 79th Airmobile Brigade
15/08/2014Radio Motorola DP2400 (403-527 Mhz)20 --delivered to 79th Airmobile Brigade
Разом: 1 408 291.90 грн