The PEOPLE’S TREATMENT project is created with a purpose of fund raising for proper treatment and rehabilitation of fighters, who returned from ATO zone. These days we are busy with arrangement of free medical examination, maintenance and treatment for Mykolaiv wounded military at the City state hospitals. Today we are ready to inform you about positive dynamics of our soldiers treatment. But still there’s a great lack of medicines, which are not in the State list of free medical help. . We talked to pharmaceutical companies, which are ready to make significant discounts if their medicines will be used for Ukrainian soldiers treatment. Medicines are needed right now.
What’s the money raised for?
At first we decided to take responsibility for 100 wounded soldiers. But we will try to help others, if they ask. Therefore the project budget might be enlarged. Average cost of treatment for 1 person is about 800 UAH. But everything depends on the degree of wounds complexity. The list of required medicines for the treatment and rehabilitation of Mykolaiv soldiers is formed by doctors: – Vestinorm (Вестинорм); – Latren (Латрен); – Levofloxacyn (Левофлоксацин); – Panthestyn (Пантестин); – Dyprospan (Дипроспан); – Vitaxon (Вітаксон); – Predukal (Предуктал); – Midocalm (Мидокалм); – Kvamatel (Квамател); – Betaserk (Бетасерк); – Actovegyn (Актовегін); – Paroxyn (Пароксин); – Diclofenac gel (Диклофенак-гель); – Fastum (Фастум); – Afobazol (Афобазол); – Tiocetam (Тиоцетам); – Metamax (Метамакс); – Actovegyn (Актовегин); – Tiocetam (Тиоцетам); – Ceofaxon (Цефаксон); – Tivortyn (Тивортин).
Questions and answers on method of payment and reporting
How frequently the donations are updated?
Every 15 minutes. We are updating information in real time. The payments online – are the money transferred to the Fund’s account. If the transfer is made onweekends or late at night, the moneywill arrive in the morning of the next working day.
How to find your donation?
You can see it in the "Report" section of each project. • If you made the donation through LiqPay, you can find it in the table by the last digits of your telephone number. • If the transfer is done via Privat24, we make a note in the "donor" field of the table and you can define yours by time and amount. • If a donation is made in some other way - then the "donor" field will be empty, but you can still define yours by time and amount.
Why don’t we specify the surname of the donor in the report?
We do not disclose personal information about people who make donations.
I made a donation yesterday, and a report showed the transfer only today. Why?
In most cases,the transfers are shown on our accounts almost instantaneously. But depending on the bank or the time and day of the week, the funds can reach us only in 3 days. For example, if you have made your donation late on Friday night, the money will be in our account only at 9 am on Monday.
Totally (with regard to the amount of the fee*): 102 691.00 UAH (2 471 USD)
* LiqPay payment commission for Visa and MasterCard holders of all Ukrainian banks is 0%. * Currency is converted automatically into Ukrainian hryvnias at the moment of transfer.