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Project Completed

First People’s Helicopter

36 people donated
99 628 uah (4 171 USD)
of 100 000 uah (4 186 USD)
99% raised
Updated 28.11.2015 at 17:00
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First people's helicopter!

The largest among small-size drones and the most intelligent among the simpler ones.
Features: unsurpassed three hour flight time and incredible controllability of the new unique platform with internal-combustion engine and controlled rotation.
25 km range. Four cameras with high-capacity optics and stabilization. Ability of load carriage up to 20 kg, in particular special rescue equipment, potential of being exploited in agriculture, timber, fishing or extractive industries.



Combines the advantages of different aircrafts. Petrol engine power and intelligence of high-tech electronics. The super-precise optics and camera stabilization effect will give the opportunity to make observations from a distance of several kilometers, minimizing risk of loss of the device. Remotely controlled directional antennas enable to transmit full-HD video and 16 megapixels pictures shot by cameras without landing. Flight time without refueling is three hours. Take-off weight up to 50 kg. Flight altitude 5,000 meters. Remote range is 25 km.

Comparison with multicopter

The simplicity and reliability of its construction, electronically stabilized flight, modern accumulators and engines guarantee the excellent flight qualities. But the traction of the standard multicopter model is generated by an aircraft type propeller that hauls, but less effectively and with a significant loss of efficiency. The task of the propeller has always been to generate the horizontal speed and to provide the aircraft wings with accumulated airstream, that makes take-off possible.
Helicopter rotor blades are nothing like wings. The difference is they rotate and thus create the airstream for themselves and enable lift-off. Now, can you imagine the required capacity of helicopter engine (MI-8 for instance) for taking-off with aircraft propeller even if it has four or eight of them? Our calculations show that in this case the capacity must be eight times higher. Since the efficiency of this kind of flight is less than 20%. Moreover, the immediate losses at the moment of taking–off are too tangible. So, the basis of the concept is that wings are responsible for the flight.


To extend the flight time and distance, an electronic drive has been omitted, as far as capacitivity and the weight of the most expensive modern accumulators appeared to be four times lower than that of 92nd mark of petrol. Later, the high cost and application time completely cast batteries out of the running. We decided to settle the air model of internal-combustion engine (120, 12 h.p, min. rot. 8000), providing it with commutatorless starter generator with 400 V capacity. We’ll be able to supply the onboard electronics with power and provide with stable satellite and ground communication to 25 km distance. In their turn, controlled directional antennas will help to lower the probability of radiogoniometry and blackouts.


The unique controllability of the drone will be provided by four remotely articulated rotors with 1 m in diameter that ensure the same wing surface as if the diameter of helicopter’s rotor was 2 m. The apparatus can operate in various platitudes. We don’t need to incline the helicopter to shift aside, move forward or turn around. We can incline the whole craft or separate part of it in response of our need and target. Increasing the blades angles, we can control vertical traction, leaving the engine working at the most convenient speed.

Combat mission

The qualities of helicopter drone enable it to fulfill the most difficult and dangerous assignments. It can scout in the safe distance through the powerful controlled optics, provide a large area with communication through the retransmitter, can fetch up to 20 kg of needful provision or equipment. There’s a possibility to install the light weapons, radio locators, repeaters, systems of radio blackout etc. Two controlled cameras with stabilizing effect of day and night vision. The screenshots, made by thermo vision camera, can be transmitted to ground station in real time.


We are extremely loath to lose this expensive helicopter drone. That’s why enormous efforts were put to make its flights mostly safe and reliable. Robot pilot equipped with programs, able to make immediate responses to different kinds of extreme situations, as loss of communication, the need to turn back to starting or emergency point, maneuvering and flying around the obstacles. Autonomous and satellite navigation systems are onboard. Ultrasonic and laser radars too. As well as unique for the multicopter system of selfcontrolled blades rotation for the case of unpredictable engine problems. We can land the drone even with the cut-off engine or try to crank it in the air.

What must we do?

At the present stage we completed the theoretical part, calculated the main features, power and durability of spare parts. We calculated the elements of transmission and defined the sources of getting them for speeding-up the realization of project. Ready-to-use details, nodes of the 600-class drones, swashplates and screws will form the basis of our helicopter. It will be equipped with 12 h.p engine of 3.5 kg weight with the modification of ignition system through the modern Yamaha motorcycle.

The baring components will be made of light but firm aluminum alloy and sections produced by Ukrainian companies.

The glass-fiber and webbing trunk will provide electronics and outfits with effective protection. Probably it will cover only crucial elements, providing the engine with cool airstream, that will reduce the weight and visibility of drone in the sky. Also it will be colored with light paints for the sake of masking.

: IMU with GPS provides absolute controllability in horizontal platitude and effective positioning capacity. Double reservation of autopilot system and the reliability of the flight are ensured with the help of available flight controllers. Its own fador of controlling signs will disperse the signals of standard flight for 12 servodrivers that control the screws of propeller.
Autopilot functions, communication facilities, navigation and equipment control will be put on the onboard system, based on computer model with real time operational capacity.

Video: Four videostreams provide high-grade observation from two controlled and two fixed cameras. They give the capacity to identify objects in the distance of several km. Functions of angle measurement give the possibility to determine the distance and coordinates of the observed object, or vice versa, point the camera at the object through entering its known position data. IP transformer digitalizes the received video and transmits it through the communication system.

Communication is provided by controlled directional antennas and powerful transmitters Ubiquiti and VPN. It is possible to transmit a huge stream of data in digital quality in over 25 km distance. Additionally the drone will be equipped with spare wideband commucation 868 Mhz. It will allow to keep control over the drone in the case of blackout of main channels. In the case of total loss of communication and navigation, the drone will climb up to the given height, aiming to leave the blackout zone and then will head back to the starting point.

The team that developed the drone

The initiative group was formed by the old friends keen on contriving.
There are specialists of different directions among us with different diplomas. There are lecturers from the Institutes of Electric Engineering and of Mining Mechanic Engineering; there are programmers, electronic engineers and equipment developers. Gradually we’ve been joined by the various equipment producers and patriotic enterprises.
We reached agreement on the exploiting of equipment and the assistance of mechanical diesel and turbine plant personnel. We negotiate with the lecturers of Technical College. There’s an understanding with the civil activists on the handing over the photo and video equipment for
the temporary use..

Group manager and drone engineer is experienced in developing various robots and machines specialist Vitaliy Brizgalov

The cost of the drone

The total cost of the project is 100 000 UAH

Video equipment, communication, telemetry, ground station – 50 000 UAH
Electronic helicopter drone – 50 000 UAH

What do we have at the start:

Video: 2 cameras of night vision and a camera with powerful optics capacity were presented to us.
Communication: 2 stations 5,8 gHz 25 Db – given for our use temporarily
Remote control, laptop, onboard computer – presented
Ignition unit – purchased on our own account
Remote control - purchased on our own account
Electronic starter generator - purchased on our own account
IP video transformer and telemetry – presented
Aluminum sectors and materials – conveyed by enterprises


Questions and answers

Questions and answers on method of payment and reporting

Raised: 99 628 UAH(4 171 USD)
Still needed 372 UAH(15 USD)
Spent 99 628 UAH(2 413 USD)
Balance 0 UAH(0 USD)
99 628 UAH (4 171 USD)
Sponsor contributions (payments directly to providers)
23.07.1465 000 UAHSponsorship
Total: 65 000 UAH (1 574 USD)
Settlement account
28/07/1408:38100 UAH ******3312
28/07/1404:26200 UAH
25/07/1418:51115 UAH ******1319
25/07/1416:26100 UAH ******1337
25/07/1413:39100 UAH ******3121
25/07/1412:49100 UAH ******6584
25/07/1411:22100 UAH ******7217
25/07/1406:2811 000 UAH ******2200
Totally (with regard to the amount of the fee*): 34 628.00 UAH (1 450 USD)
* LiqPay payment commission for Visa and MasterCard holders of all Ukrainian banks is 0%.
* Currency is converted automatically into Ukrainian hryvnias at the moment of transfer.

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99 628 UAH (2 413 USD)
Current project spending
08/05/2015Internal transfer1 4 628.20transferred to ComBat Battlefield Management System
06/04/2015Internal transfer1 35 000.00transferred to 'First People’s UAV Complex'
13/11/2014Internal transfer for the purchase of octocopter with IR camera1 60 000.00transferred to First People’s Drones
Total: 99 628.20 UAH (2 413 USD)