Oleksandr M, 37, a soldier with the 81st Brigade, wounded in Avdiivka.
Left arm:
– defect to the left shoulder joint
– osteomyelitis in the bone.
In the case of Oleksandr conventional medicine can offer only arthroplasty or arthrodesis of the shoulder joint ( joint locking, fusion of the humerus with a plate). And this can lead to significant limitation or loss of mobility in the joints, leading to disability. When there is inflammation in the bone even amputation is a possibility. Cellular technology will help restore the humerus and shoulder joint and restore and maximize the natural function of the arm.
Oleksandr, a fighter with the 90th battalion of the 81st Brigade, was defending Avdiivka’s industrial park when he was injured on April 9, this year, during a battle with the separatists. That day the distance between Oleksandr and the enemy was only a wide street. The soldier miraculously survived despite an AGS grenade exploded directly near his left shoulder. He suffered only injuries to the joint, which is now completely destroyed.
Oleksandr was treated in Chervonoarmiyska Dnipropetrovsk, and Lviv. He would undergo four operations to remove fragments left in his arm, but then – required restoration of the joint, which in this case is only possible by using cellular technology. Otherwise, he faces disability or amputation.
Oleksandr lives in Malyn Raion, in the Zhytomyr region. He was mobilized to the ATO in July 2015, and since performed combat missions near the village of Zaitseve, and then in Avdiivka. Before the war, he worked in a security firm. His hobby is playing the guitar and singing. Waiting at home for him is his mother and wife. Help to reunite them as quickly as possible.
Reconstructive and restorative treatment to the arm using biotechnology to help recover full function.
1. Examination for treatment (therapy, orthopedics, biotechnologists) – 20 048.5 UAH
2. Sampling fragment of the fibula and red bone marrow (discount 40%) – 18 060 UAH
3. Endothelial cells, 40 million cells (discount 50%) – 32 000 UAH
4. Periosteal cells 40 million (discount 50%) – 32 000 UAH
5. MSCs from bone marrow, 200 million (discount 50%) – 121 000 UAH
6. Reconstructive-restorative treatment in hospital (discount 40%) – 420 678 UAH
7. Anesthesia (discount 15%) – 9 453 UAH
Budget update:
In the fall of 2016, doctors transplanted the bone unit with Alexander’s cells to the place of the defect of the humerus. Unfortunately, in the winter after surgery, he fell and damaged the shoulder. As a result, the metal fixing plate was pressed into the transplanted bone. The current X-ray examination showed bone healing, but because of the fall, a bone cavity has formed. Now an additional stage of treatment with the use of chips planted with the cells has to be performed. The cost of this stage will amount to 238 573 hryvnias. Due to the considerable amount of additional expenses, the clinic decided to cover half of this amount. Thus, the additional stage of Alexander’s treatment will cost 118 118 hryvnias.